Monday, August 16, 2010

Rededication to this blog

Hello all,

I have neglected this blog recently, and I really miss posting here. Today, I am rededicating myself to this blog. I will find new followers and start following others. I will post on here, as you have seen me do before, my real life (pretty or not!). If you are just joining me, I hope you find something useful here! I am new to blogging, but I am learning every day.

My last blog post was in January and in February I had a car accident...actually, the person who hit me had the accident; I got the injuries! It has been a tough road to heal from the whiplash & associated problems. I am still going to the chiropractor seven months later. Have a lawsuit pending. So, that is about all I will say about that for now.

And, here is a report on Summer: Every summer I have the intention to work with my kids over the summer on their reading and math skills. We usually buy summer study books, flash cards, the whole shebang! And, as you might have guessed, usually the summer flies by and we rarely open the books. This year was similar, however, I decided several weeks ago that it was a conscious decision on my part to not push the kids and let them have fun this summer.

One of the reasons for this is our youngest will behaving surgery again (his 7th) at Shriner's Hospital and will be in a wheel chair for the first quarter of the school year. I wanted him to have some times to play all he wanted; run around, swim, and have fun. He will be having his heel cord lengthened (it is short now due to limb lengthening in 2008...he gained 1.5" in bone length, but the ligaments often don't stretch as well), and part of his femur straightened. So, he will be non-weight bearing for at least 6 weeks, hence the wheelchair. So, he has had a great summer, riding bikes, summer camps, going to the park, playing in the pool, etc.

Our second youngest (the one with autism) has had a great summer as well. In fact, he has grown a lot. He is nine. And, while it might be unusual for a parent of a nine-year-old to brag about these things, it is pretty amazing for him to be able to have done them: 1) he learned to ride a bike this summer. No training wheels, no crashing...he just took off & hasn't stopped since! He has had bikes for a long time now, but something just clicked this summer. 2) He also learned to tie his shoes!! He is very proud of that and now has to wear "tie" shoes everyday. 3) He is no longer in pull-up/good-nights at bedtime! Which saves us LOTS of money and him lots of embarrassment! 4) He is starting to play some team sports at the local boys & girls club. And, that is a big deal for a kid on the spectrum.

The grandbaby has grown by leaps & bounds. She is walking, running, laughing, and doing a little talking. She is funny and happy! The teenager has moved back to the town we lived in for 13 years prior to moving to this one (3 years ago) and moved in with a long-time family friend so she can go to school (community college) there since she took & passed her GED this spring.

Lots of changes and adjustments in our family. Fibromyaglia is mostly stable. Was diagnosed with type II diabetes last month. However, I also lost 30# after my diagnosis...still working on losing the rest!

That's all for now. I will try to post some "catch-ups" soon.

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